Kyle Walker

About Kyle Walker

Los Angeles (California) native, Kyle Walker is an act that has made monumental waves in the music scene almost instantly upon beginning his career. Influenced early on from the heavier side of electronic music, his largest inspirations, in the beginning, came from Skrillex, Doctor P, Flux Pavilion and Kill Paris. Five years and countless hours of studio time later, Kyle stumbled across Disclosure’s Grammy award-winning album “Settle” and instantly became connected to house music.

With sounds ranging from the deep and melodic side of the spectrum to the heavier realms of bass house, there are truly no boundaries for the music he creates. Kyle’s talent became increasingly evident upon winning Insomniac’s - Discovery Project just one year after starting to predominantly pursue house music, which has since led to him taking the stages at both Nocturnal Wonderland (2016) and EDC Las Vegas (2016 & 2017). Kyle has since seen releases on world renowned labels, such as Bite This! and First Edition (Artist Intelligence Agency).

Kyle Walker Music Style

housetech houseusatechno

Kyle Walker Upcoming Events

Friday, Apr 25
Kyle Walker
Q Nightclub
Saturday, Apr 26
Kyle Walker
Sound Nightclub
Wednesday, Apr 30
Lowkey in the Library on Wednesdays
Kyle Walker
Marquee Nightclub
Thursday, May 1
Kyle Walker
It'll Do Club
Friday, May 2
Kyle Walker
The Church Nightclub
Saturday, May 3
Kyle Walker
... 2 more artists
Friday, May 9
Kyle Walker
Superior Ingredients (Rooftop)
Saturday, May 17
Kyle Walker
Bauhaus Houston
Friday, May 23
Kyle Walker
Saturday, May 24
Lowbrau Presents
Kyle Walker
Friday, Jun 13
Nü Androids Presents
Kyle Walker
Vera Cocina & بار
Saturday, Jun 14
Kyle Walker
Lowbrow Palace Indoors
Saturday, Jul 26
Kyle Walker